Educational Service

From the educational service of the Amantes Foundation, we offer schools and other groups educational activities adapted to different educational levels. These activities allow for an attractive, interactive, and understandable exploration of our Cultural and Historical Heritage, while also promoting attitudes of respect and awareness towards our cultural legacy. 

Ultimately, it is about taking advantage of all the possibilities offered by a museum as a genuine educational resource.

Visitable Spaces


En septiembre de 2005 se inaugura el actual Mausoleo de los Amantes. El proyecto del edificio, diseñado por el arquitecto Alejandro Cañada, dispone de diferentes salas expositivas que pretenden acercar la Historia de los Amantes al visitante.


Construida a lo largo del siglo XIV, responde a la tipología de iglesia de nave única con ábside poligonal y capillas laterales que, cubiertas con bóveda de crucería simple, circundan todo el templo.


Construido en la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, pertenece al grupo de los cuatro claustros mudéjares que todavía se conservan en Aragón, al menos parcialmente.


Fue construido en el siglo XIV y tiene forma poligonal de siete lados. Declarado junto a la torre mudéjar de san Pedro Patrimonio Mundial por la UNESCO en 1986, está decorado con arcos mixtilíneos entrecruzados.


Construida en el siglo XIII, con una altura original de 25 metros, es la más antigua de las torres mudéjares turolenses. Es patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO desde 1986.

Educational Workshops

Tarifas Talleres 3€

Taller de Árte Mudéjar: Enjambre Mudéjar

Taller teoría del color: Colorearte

Taller: El Amor Nuevo de Jorge Gay

Guided tours

Tarifas Visitas 3€

Visitas para Centros Educativos y AMPAS

Visitas para grupos de Universitarios y Universidad de la Experiencia

Ticket prices and Conditions.

The activities will preferably take place under the following conditions: 

    • Throughout the year. 
    • Prior reservation by phone (978 61 83 98), fax (978 61 83 99), or email ( 
    • Schedule to be agreed upon, will be set at the time of booking. 
    • Groups distributed between 15 and 30 people.
    • Transportation costs are not included in the visit price.
    • The cost is indicated per participating person, plus two free companions.

Family Visit (children from 7 years old)

Come and enjoy a different visit to the Amantes Complex with the little ones in the family. You will learn about the history of the Amantes and one of the most beautiful and complete Mudejar ensembles in Teruel. The language of the visit will be close, fun, and adapted for the youngest to enjoy this family experience.


  • Activity Type: Family Guided Tour. Adapted for children from 7 years old (elementary school level). 
  • Duration: Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. 
  • Includes: Guided tour of the Mausoleum of the Amantes and the Mudejar Ensemble of San Pedro. 
  • Requirements: It is a family visit. Children must be accompanied by at least one adult.
  • Dates: Saturdays and Sundays at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM. 

Amantes Foundation for All: Integrate

Currently, museum spaces aim not only to conserve and research the objects they house but also to educate and communicate their knowledge to the general public. Therefore, a museum should be an open, lively, and dynamic center, a space that welcomes all sectors of the society in which it is integrated. 

One of the commitments of the educational service of the Amantes de Teruel Foundation is to make social integration a reality. That is why all our activities are adapted for people with different special educational needs. 

Our staff is qualified, trained, and experienced in the field of education and art. We adapt the discourse to each of our didactic activities so that all our participating students finish the visit knowing and understanding its content.


Little Friend of the Amantes Cultural Program: Getting to Know…

We begin this year with a new program of activities in which children will be able to enjoy our heritage once again. 

It is a monthly activity in which we will explore specific points of our Amantes Complex that we usually do not focus on during guided tours. The aim is to discover some specific spaces of the Foundation in a fun and age-appropriate way for our visitors. 

These activities are intended for children aged 5 and above, accompanied by an adult. 

Activity Type: Workshop adapted for children aged 5 and above.  

Duration: Approximately 1 hour  

Includes: Limited capacity to 20 children. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Dates: First Friday of each month at 5:30 PM. 

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